IDA 用于解决软件行业的关键问题。
发布时间:2022-09-28 15: 10: 46
IDA is an interactive disassembler, which means that the user takes active participation in the disassembly process. IDA is not an automatic analyzer of programs. IDA will give you hints about suspicious instructions, unsolved problems etc. It is your job to inform IDA how to proceed.
If you are using IDA for the very first time, here are some commands that you will find very useful:
- convert to instruction : the hotkey is "C" - convert to data : the hotkey is "D"
All the changes that you made are saved to disk. When you run IDA again, all the information on the file being disassembled is read from the disk, so that you can resume your work.
For other commands please refer to the menu system and the help.
如何通过IDA软件反编译理清复杂程序逻辑 IDA反汇编后如何分析程序的内存布局
软件开发过程中,特别是面对复杂的二进制程序时,逆向工程显得尤为重要。IDA(Interactive DisAssembler)作为一款强大的反编译工具,能够帮助我们深入理解程序的内部逻辑和内存布局,从而为调试和优化提供有力支持。本文将详细探讨如何通过IDA软件反编译理清复杂程序逻辑,以及在反汇编后如何分析程序的内存布局。...
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