IDA 用于解决软件行业的关键问题。
发布时间:2022-09-29 10: 39: 24
Reload input file
Action name: ReloadFile
This command reloads the same input file into the database. IDA tries to retain as much information as possible in the database. All the names, comments, segmentation information and similar will be retained.
Only the values of individual bytes will be changed.
This command works for some input file types only: if the file was loaded into the database with special settings, this command may fail. In this case, use Dump database to IDC file command and reload the file manually.
Script file
Action name: Execute
You can execute any script file supported by the built-in scripting engine (IDC or Python), or a scripting language added by a plugin. The scripting language to use is selected by the file name extension of the script.
Binary file
Action name: LoadFile
This command loads a binary file. The new file is added to the current database and all existing information is retained.
The file content will appear as unexplored bytes in the program.
This command only allows you to load binary files.
IDS file
Action name: LoadIdsFile
This command loads an IDS file.
An IDS file contains information about well-known functions (such as functions from MS Windows API), namely:
- their names
- their ordinal number in the DLL
- an eventual informative comment
- the number of parameters passed on the stack
- the number of parameters purged when returning
IDS files are automatically loaded if they are found in the IDS directory. This command allows you to load an IDS file from any directory, even after the main file has been loaded into the database.
See also Load... submenu commands.
Debug information file
Action name: LoadDbgFile
This command loads a DBG file.
If the program being disassembled has a companion DBG file, then this command may be used to load information from a DBG file into the database. IDA loads DBG files automatically if it can find them in the directory with the input file.
The built-in debug information loader cannot load NB10 format files and PDB files. To load those files, please use a special plugin PDB.DLL which can be run manually using Edit->Plugins submenu. This plugin uses MS Windows DLLs to load the debug information and therefore has the following limitations:
- it works only under MS Windows
- it will load only PDBs compatible with the currently
installed IMAGEHLP.DLL
PDB debug information file
Action name: LoadPdbFile
This command loads a PDB file.
If the program being disassembled has a companion PDB file, then this command may be used to load information from the PDB file into the database.
By default IDA uses in-house code to parse and load PDB files. However, our code can not parse old v2.0 PDB files. For them, IDA can fall back to using Microsoft DLLs (the default is "do not fall back"). Please read more in cfg/pdb.cfg.
TDS debug information file
Action name: LoadTdsFile
This command loads a TDS file.
If the program being disassembled has a companion TDS file, this command may be used to load information from the TDS file into the database.
The TDS file must be placed in the same directory together with the input file.
The LoadTdsFile command launches a special plugin TDS.DLL which can be run manually using Edit->Plugins submenu.
FLIRT signature file
Action name: LoadSigFile
This command allows you to apply an additional signature file to the program.
A signature file contains patterns of standard runtime functions. With their help, IDA is able to recognize the standard functions and names them accordingly.
IDA attempts to detect the necessary signature files automatically but unfortunately, this is not always possible. This command adds the specified signature file into the planned signature files queue.
Signature files reside in the subdirectories of the SIG directory. Each processor has its own subdirectory. The name of the subdirectory is equivalent to the name of the processor module file (z80 for z80.w32, for example). Note: IBM PC signatures are located in the SIG directory itself. Note: the IDASGN environment variable can be used to specify the location of the signatures directory.
There is another way to load a signature file: you may insert/delete signature files in the following way:
- open the signatures window
- press Ins to insert a signature file to the queue
- press Del to delete a signature file from the queue
This is a preferred way of applying signatures because useful information, such as the number of identified functions is displayed in the signature window.
NOTE: FLIRT works only for the processors with normal byte size. The byte size must be equal to 8 (processors with wide bytes like AVR or DSP56K are not supported)
C header file
Action name: LoadHeaderFile
This command allows you to apply type declarations from a C header file to the program.
IDA reads and parses the specified header file as a C compiler does. In other words, it mimics the front-end of a C compiler with some restrictions:
- only type declarations are allowed. The function definitions
in the input file are skipped
- not all C++ header files are not supported, only simple classes can
be parsed
- the compiler specific predefined macros are not defined,
you have to define them manually in the header file
Don't forget to specify the compiler and memory model in the compiler setup dialog box before loading a header file.
All type declarations found in the input file are stored in the current database in the form of a type library. These type declarations can be used to define new structure and enumeration definitions by pressing "Add standard structure" or "Add standard enum" buttons in the Add enum type... and Add struct type... dialog boxes.
In the case of an error in the input file, the error messages appear in the message window. In any case, the function declarations that are already parsed are not deleted from the database. IDA stops parsing the input file when 20 errors occur.
IDA 7.7 introduced an alternative header file parser based on libclang.
该命令仅适用于某些输入文件类型:如果文件使用特殊设置加载到数据库中,则此命令可能会失败。在这种情况下,使用“Dump database to IDC file”命令并手动重新加载文件。
此命令加载IDS文件。IDS文件包含有关众所周知函数(例如来自MS Windows API的函数)的信息,包括:
内置的调试信息加载器无法加载NB10格式文件和PDB文件。要加载这些文件,请使用一个名为PDB.DLL的特殊插件,可以使用“编辑”->“插件”子菜单手动运行。此插件使用MS Windows DLL加载调试信息,因此具有以下限制:
●仅在MS Windows下运行
默认情况下,IDA使用自己的代码来解析和加载PDB文件。但是,我们的代码无法解析旧的v2.0 PDB文件。对于这些文件,IDA可以回退到使用Microsoft DLL(默认值为“不回退”)。请在cfg/pdb.cfg中阅读更多信息。
签名文件位于SIG目录的子目录中。每个处理器都有自己的子目录。子目录的名称等同于处理器模块文件的名称(例如,z80对于z80.w32)。注意:IBM PC签名位于SIG目录本身。注意:IDASGN环境变量可用于指定签名目录的位置。
●编译器特定的预定义宏没有定义,您必须在头文件中手动定义它们在加载头文件之前,请不要忘记在编译器设置对话框中指定编译器和内存模型。在当前数据库中,所有在输入文件中找到的类型声明都以类型库的形式存储。可以使用这些类型声明通过在“添加枚举类型...”和“添加结构类型...”对话框中按“添加标准结构”或“添加标准枚举”按钮来定义新的结构和枚举定义。如果输入文件中存在错误,则错误消息将出现在消息窗口中。在任何情况下,已解析的函数声明不会从数据库中删除。当发生20个错误时,IDA停止解析输入文件。IDA 7.7引入了一种基于libclang的替代头文件解析器。
如何用IDA做二进制文件的差异分析 IDA反编译怎么测试软件的性能瓶颈
提到IDA Pro,很多做逆向工程的朋友应该都知道,这款工具可谓是逆向界的“神器”,无论是做二进制文件的分析,还是反编译、性能优化,IDA都能给你带来不少帮助。今天咱们就不谈它的所有功能,专门聊聊如何用IDA做二进制文件的差异分析 IDA反编译怎么测试软件的性能瓶颈。接下来,我就带你一步一步搞定这些事儿。...
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