IDA 用于解决软件行业的关键问题。
发布时间:2022-10-15 13: 59: 55
Action name: JumpSuspicious
Suspicious operands are the operands that need your attention because they contain an immediate value that could be a number or an offset. IDA does not know about it, so it marks these instructions as 'suspicious'. You can change the suspiciousness of the operands using set lower limit of suspicious operands and set upper limit of suspicious operands commands.
Data arrays are considered to be suspicious if the first element of the data array is within the lower and upper suspicious limits. Values of other elements are not examined.
You can disable the display of the 'suspicious' marks in the Comments Dialog.
NOTE: We strongly recommend that before producing an ASM file you go through all 'suspicious' marks and get rid of them. After this you have a certain level of confidence that the file has been disassembled correctly.
ida如何修改指令返回立即数 ida具备哪些指令修复功能
IDA是一款功能强大的反汇编工具,通过IDA,可以深入理解程序的底层指令进行各种操作,本文将为您介绍“ida如何修改指令返回立即数 ida具备哪些指令修复功能”的相关话题,帮助用户更好地掌握IDA的功能。...
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