IDA 用于解决软件行业的关键问题。
发布时间:2022-10-15 14: 33: 33
Generate MAP file
Action name: ProduceMap
Please enter a file name for the map. IDA will write the following information about this file:
- current segmentation
- list of names sorted by values
You may disable the generation of the segmentation information. You may also enable or disable dummy names in the output file.
You can use this map file for your information, and also for debugging (for example, Periscope from Periscope Company or Borland's Turbo Debugger can read this file).
Generate ASM file
Action name: ProduceAsm
Please enter a file name for the assembler text file. IDA will write the disassembled text to this file.
If you have selected a range on the screen using Drop Anchor command, IDA will write only the selected range (from the current address to the anchor).
If some I/O problem (e.g. disk full) occurs during writing to the file, IDA will stop and a partial file will be created.
Please note that demo version cannot produce assembler files.
Generate INC file
Action name: ProduceInc
Please enter a file name for the assembler include file. IDA will write the information about the defined types (structures and enums) to this file.
If some I/O problem (e.g. disk full) occurs during writing to the file, IDA will stop and a partial file will be created.
Please note that demo version cannot produce assembler include files.
Generate LST file
Action name: ProduceLst
Enter a file name for the assembler listing file. IDA will write the disassembled text to this file.
If you've selected a range on the screen using Drop Anchor command, IDA will write only the selected range (from the current address to the anchor).
If some I/O problem (e.g. disk full) occurs during writing to the file, IDA will stop and a partial file will be created.
Please note that demo version cannot produce assembler listing files.
Generate EXE file
Action name: ProduceExe
Enter a file name for the new executable file. Usually this command is used after patching (see commands Patch byte and Patch word) to obtain a patched version of the file.
IDA produces executable files only for:
- MS DOS .exe
- MS DOS .com
- MS DOS .drv
- MS DOS .sys
- general binary
- Intel Hex Object Format
- MOS Technology Hex Object Format
For other file formats please create a difference file.
NOTE: only Patch byte/word commands affect the executable file contents, other commands (including User-Specified String for the #th Operand) will not affect the content of the disassembled file.
EXE files: Output files will have the same EXE-header and relocation table as the input file. IDA will fill unused ranges of the EXE file (e.g. between relocation table and loadable pages) with zeroes.
Generate DIF file
Action name: ProduceDiff
This command will prompt you for a filename and then will create a plain text difference file of the following format:
offset: oldval newval
Generate HTML file
Action name: ProduceHtml
Please enter a file name for the HTML file. IDA will write the disassembled text to this file.
If you've selected a range on the screen using Drop Anchor command, IDA will write only the selected range (from the current address to the anchor).
If some I/O problem (e.g. disk full) occurs during writing to the file, IDA will stop and a partial file will be created.
Please note that demo version cannot produce HTML files. This command is available only in the graphical version of IDA.
Generate flow chart GDL file
Action name: ProduceFuncGdl
This command creates a GDL (graph description file) with the flow chart of the current function.
If there is an active selection, its flow chart will be generated.
IDA will ask for the output file name. Regardless of the specified extension, the .GDL extension will be used.
Generate call graph GDL file
Action name: ProduceCallGdl
This command creates a GDL (graph description file) with the graph of the function calls.
IDA will ask for the output file name. Regardless of the specified extension, the .GDL extension will be used.
Dump database to IDC file
Action name: DumpDatabase
This command saves current IDA database into a text file.
You can use it as a safety command:
- to protect your work from disasters
- to migrate information into new database formats of IDA.
This command is used when you want to switch to a new version of IDA. Usually each new version of IDA has its own database format. To create a new format database, you need:
1. to issue the 'Dump...' command for the old
database (using old version of IDA). You will
get an IDC file containing all information
from your old database.
2. to reload your database using new IDA with switch -x.
3. to compile and execute the IDC file with command
'Execute IDC file' (usually F2)
Please note that this command does not save everything to text file. Any nformation about the local variables will be lost!
Dump typeinfo to IDC file
Action name: DumpTypes
This command saves information about the user-defined types from the IDA database into a text file.
Information about enums, structure types and other user-defined types is saved in a text form as an IDC program.
You can use this command to migrate the type definitions from one database to another.
Create C header file
Action name: ProduceHeader
This command saves all definitions in the local types window into a C header file
Please note that that types created in the structures window will not be saved unless they are synchronized with the local types
●按值排序的名称列表您可以禁用生成分段信息。您还可以在输出文件中启用或禁用虚拟名称。您可以使用此MAP文件进行信息查看,也可以用于调试(例如,Periscope公司的Periscope或Borland的Turbo Debugger可以读取此文件)。
请输入一个汇编器文本文件的文件名。IDA将把反汇编文本写入此文件。如果您在屏幕上使用Drop Anchor命令选择了一个范围,则IDA仅写入所选范围(从当前地址到锚点)。如果在写入文件时出现某些I/O问题(例如磁盘已满),IDA将停止,并创建部分文件。请注意,演示版本无法生成汇编文件。
●按值排序的名称列表您可以禁用生成分段信息,也可以在输出文件中启用或禁用虚拟名称。您可以将此map文件用于您的信息,也可用于调试(例如,Periscope公司的Periscope或Borland的Turbo Debugger可以读取此文件)。
请输入汇编文本文件的文件名。IDA将把反汇编的文本写入此文件。如果您在屏幕上使用Drop Anchor命令选择了范围,则IDA将仅写入所选范围(从当前地址到锚点)。如果在写入文件时发生一些I/O问题(例如磁盘已满),IDA将停止并创建一个部分文件。请注意,演示版无法生成汇编器文件。
请输入汇编清单文件的文件名。IDA将把反汇编的文本写入此文件。如果您在屏幕上使用Drop Anchor命令选择了范围,则IDA将仅写入所选范围(从当前地址到锚点)。如果在写入文件时发生一些I/O问题(例如磁盘已满),IDA将停止并创建一个部分文件。请注意,演示版无法生成汇编清单文件。
请输入新可执行文件的文件名。通常,在修补后(请参阅Patch byte和Patch word命令),使用此命令可以获得已修补文件的版本。IDA仅为以下可执行文件生成可执行文件:
●MS DOS.exe
●MS DOS.com
●MS DOS.drv
●MS DOS.sys
●Intel Hex对象格式
●MOS Technology Hex对象格式对于其他文件格式,请创建差异文件。注意:仅Patch byte/word命令会影响可执行文件内容,其他命令(包括第n个操作数的用户指定字符串)不会影响反汇编文件的内容。EXE文件:输出文件将具有与输入文件相同的EXE标头和重定位表。IDA将用零填充EXE文件的未使用范围(例如,在重定位表和可加载页面之间)。
请输入HTML文件的文件名。IDA将把反汇编文本写入此文件。如果使用Drop Anchor命令在屏幕上选择了一个范围,则IDA仅写入所选范围(从当前地址到锚点)。如果写入文件时发生某些I/O问题(例如磁盘已满),IDA将停止并创建部分文件。请注意,演示版本不能生成HTML文件。此命令仅在IDA的图形版本中可用。
3.使用“Execute IDC file”命令(通常为F2)编译和执行IDC文件。请注意,此命令不会将所有内容保存到文本文件中。任何有关本地变量的信息都将丢失!
Dump typeinfo to IDC file Action name:DumpTypes
Create C header file Action name:ProduceHeader
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