IDA 用于解决软件行业的关键问题。
发布时间:2023-04-25 14: 52: 34
Action name: OpUserOffset
This command converts the immediate operand of the current instruction/data to a complex offset expression.
Please click here to learn more about complex offsets.
If a range is selected using the anchor, IDA will perform 'en masse' conversion. It will convert immediate operands of all instructions in the selected range to offsets. However, IDA will ask you first the lower and upper limits of immediate operand value. If the an operand value is >= lower limit and <= upper limit then the operand will be converted to offset, otherwise it will be left unmodified.
If the cursor is on the first operand (the cursor is before ',') then the first operand will be affected; otherwise, all other operands will be affected.
If the offset base is specified as 0xFFFFFFFF, then IDA will create "an automatic offset". Automatic offsets mean that the actual value of the base will be calculated by IDA.
The following offset attributes are available:
Treat the base address as a plain number
if checked, IDA will treat the base address as a number.
In this case, IDA will not create a cross-reference to it
and the base address will be printed as a number,
not as an offset expression.
Offset points past the main object
Offsets of this type point past an object end.
They do not cause an object created/deletion.
Use image base as offset base
These offsets are based on the image base.
There is no need to explicitly specify the offset base.
These offsets are displayed in a concise form:
rva func
instead of
offset func - imagebase
If you intend to reassemble the output file, execute the
following IDC statement:
set_inf_attr(INF_GENFLAGS, get_inf_attr(INF_GENFLAGS) & ~INFFL_ALLASM);
Subtract operand value
Use this option when the operand value should be substracted
from the base to get the target address. In this case the displayed
expression will be displayed as
offset base - target
instead of the usual
offset target - base
Signed operand
Use this option if the operand should be interpreted
as a signed value. This option is only available for OFF_REF8,
OFF_REF16, OFF_REF32 and OFF_REF64 offset types.
Operand value of 0 is invalid
If the operand value is 0, the value will be highlighted in red.
Operand value of NOT 0 is invalid
If the operand value is zero's complement (i.e. all bits are set),
the value will be highlighted in red.
For example a OFF_REF16 with an operand value of 0xFFFF would be invalid.
Use the current address as the offset base
The offset base is dynamically calculated and is equal to the address of
the current element:
- for standalone items: their start address
- for arrays: the start of the array element
- for structures: the start of the structure field
The offset expression is displayed in the following concise form:
offset target - $
where "$" denotes the start of the element (and is assembler-dependent).
To create offsets to structure members use Convert to struct offset command.
See also:
offset by data segment/no
offset by current segment
Edit|Operand types|Offset submenu.
Enter #th operand manually commands.
Set operand type
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